
A safe, non-invasive, effective treatment for embarrassing skin blemishes.

IEE_Electrocoagulation_VascuLyseRemoval of:

Broken Capillaries, Ruby Points,  Skin Tags,  Spider Angioma.

15 min.  –  $70.00

Customers are asking…

What are broken capillaries?

Broken capillaries are tiny dilated blood vessels that are visible through the skin. They become more common as we age and our skin loses its elasticity. The factors that can promote their formation are: excessive exposure to the sun, drastic change in temperature, alcoholic beverages, hot and spicy foods…

Once they form, broken capillaries will not disappear on their own. But, they can be permanently removed by the VascuLyse.


Is it really permanent?

Treated capillaries or skin tags will not return. New ones may appear somewhere else.

How does the VascuLyse work?

The VascuLyse uses a mild current to induce coagulation within the distended capillary. The body then absorbs the unused capillary. This treatment is called Capillary Coalysis, the process by which unsightly, distended capillaries are absorbed and eliminated by the body.

IEE_Electrocoagulation02SKIN TAGS

Is the treatment painful?

This non-invasive procedure is virtually painless. It uses mild currents that have been employed in the esthetic world for more than four decades. At the very most, some patients may feel a slight pricking sensation.

How long do the treatments take?

Sessions are between five and fifteen (15) minutes in length. Most conditions are effectively treated in between one and three sessions. The results are truly amazing.

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Is it safe?

The disposable, sterile stylus tips are used only once, insuring your complete safety.The treatment is performed by professionally certified technicians, who observe the strictest standard of hygiene.Skin reaction after the treatment is minimal and disappears after a few days.

IEE_Electrocoagulation04SPIDER ANGIOMA

What areas can be treated?

Broken Capillaries on the face and upper chest.

Ruby Points on the body.

Skin Tags on the face, neck and body.

Blotches on the face and upper chest.

15 min.  –  $70.00

Prices may be changed without notice. GST and Gratuities are not included in price.